Strict consensus cladogram obtained from 17 optimum trees, summarizing a cladistics analysis of Aulacigaster. The optimum trees were obtained with a branch-and-bound search, characters unordered and equally weighted, and have 41 steps, consistency-index (CI) 0.78 and retention index (RI) 0.91. The number on the nodes indicate the species-groups as follows: 1. The leucopeza group; 2. The plesiomorphica group; 3. The bromeliae group; 4. The grimaldii group; 5. The femorata group; 6. The minuta group; 7. The ecuadoriensis group.

  Part of: Rung A (2018) A new species of Aulacigaster Macquart from Zurquí de Moravia, a Costa Rican cloud forest (Diptera, Aulacigastridae). Zoologia 35: 1-6.