Lipase activity in the omnivorous R. quelen and P. maculatus and detritivorous L. anus and H. commersoni in the summer and winter: (10) anterior intestine; (11) posterior intestine. Different letters indicate significant differences between species in the same season. * Indicates a significant difference from the summer in the same segment (p < 0.05). (U, a Caraway unit) (n = 15 from each species at each season).

  Part of: Gottlieb Almeida AP, Zardo EL, Toni C, Behr ER, Picolli da Silva L, Vieira JP, Loro VL, Baldisserotto B (2018) Composition of gastrointestinal content, protease and lipase activities in summer and winter of four freshwater siluriforms (Teleostei: Actinopterygii) with two different feeding habits. Zoologia 35: 1-8.