Details of the genital system of Ventania avellanedae: (18) internal structure of the penis; (19) internal structure of the bursa copulatrix duct; (20) fertilization pouch–espermathecal complex. (a1) penis area 1, (a2) penis area 2, (a3) penis area 3, (ag) albumen gland. (e) epiphallus, (ep) epiphallic papilla, (fpsc) fertilization pouch-spermathecal complex, (hd) hermaphroditic duct, (p) penis. Scale bar: 1 mm.
Part of: Piza J, Cazzaniga NJ, Ghezzi NS (2018) Redescription of Ventania avellanedae (Stylommatophora: Odontostomidae), a land snail endemic to the Ventania Mountain System, Argentina. Zoologia 35: 1-11.