Laís R. Santos, Marciel E. Rodrigues (2022)
Dragonflies (Odonata) in Cocoa Growing Areas in the Atlantic Forest: Taxonomic Diversity and Relationships with Environmental and Spatial Variables.
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Breno Rodrigo Araujo, Ângelo Parise Pinto (2021)
Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) from Mananciais da Serra, a Tropical-Araucaria Forest ecotonal remnant in the southern Atlantic Forest, state of Paraná, Brazil.
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Jareth Román-Heracleo, Rodolfo Novelo-Gutiérrez, Monika Springer (2020)
First description of the larva of Psaironeura, based on specimens of P. angeloi from Costa Rica (Odonata: Coenagrionidae: Protoneurinae), with a key to the genera of Central American Protoneurinae.
International Journal of Odonatology23: 183.
DOI: 10.1080/13887890.2020.1752829
Laís R. Santos, Marciel E. Rodrigues (2022)
Land Uses for Pasture and Cacao Cultivation Modify the Odonata Assemblages in Atlantic Forest Areas.
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Diogo Silva Vilela, Henrique Venâncio, Jean Carlos Santos (2020)
Forcepsioneura machadorum(Coenagrionidae: Protoneurinae) sp. nov. from the Cerrado Biome of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil.
International Journal of Odonatology23: 397.
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Cintia Ribeiro, Brunna Firme, Saulo A. Araujo, Acácio de Sá, Felipe Zander, Karolina Teixeira, Laís Rodrigues Santos, Marciel Elio Rodrigues (2021)
Check-list of Odonata from the state of Bahia, Brazil: ecological information, distribution, and new state records.
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Cristiano Sampaio Costa, Amanda Cruz Mendes, Alessandro Ponce de Leão Giupponi (2023)
Epiperipatus puri sp. nov., a new velvet worm from Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil (Onychophora, Peripatidae).
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Emanuella Denck, Juliana Ehlert, Ângelo Parise Pinto (2023)
150th anniversary of Alberto Santos-Dumont’s birth, the father of aviation: the damselfly Cyanallagma demoiselle sp. nov. from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Odonata: Coenagrionidae).
International Journal of Odonatology26: 212.
DOI: 10.48156/1388.2023.1917244