(11) Morphological phylogeny of 15 genera of Ergasilidae showing Bremer support values and character changes supporting each node. Bremer support values are indicated in gray numerals; characters that indicate a homoplasy or reversal events are indicated. (12) Morphological phylogeny of 15 genera of Ergasilidae without the Character 3, showing Bremer support values and character changes supporting each node. Bremer support values are indicated in gray numerals; characters that indicate a homoplasy or reversal events are indicated.

  Part of: Marques TM, Boeger WA (2018) Proposal of Tiddergasilus gen. nov. (Ergasilidae: Cyclopoida) for T. iheringi comb. nov. from the gills of Hoplias malabaricus (Erythrinidae: Characiformes) from Brazil. Zoologia 35: 1-6. https://doi.org/10.3897/zoologia.35.e21577