Records of association of scale-worm polynoids and black corals from deep-water in South America, Northeastern Brazil: (A) record of Benhamypolynoe cf. antipathicola, and its antipatharian hosts Stylopathes adinocrada in Potiguar Basin; (B) records of association of Parahololepidella cf. greeffi and its antipatharian hosts (Tanacetipathes barbadensis, T. tanacetum and T. thamnea) in Potiguar Basin, Brazil.

  Part of: De Assis JE, Souza JRB, Lima MM, Lima GV, Cordeiro RTS, PĂ©rez CD (2019) Association between deep-water scale-worms (Annelida: Polynoidae) and black corals (Cnidaria: Antipatharia) in the Southwestern Atlantic. Zoologia 36: 1-13.