(2) Benhamypolynoe cf. antipathicola on the branches of Stylopathes adinocrada: (3) median chaetigers of B. antipathicola showing elytrophores, elytra and dorsal cirri; (4) head of B. antipathicola showing the prostomium, palps and antennae; (5) posterior chaetigers of B. antipathicola showing the ventral cirrus and neuropodia; (6) neurochaetae from posterior chaetigers, showing a faint serration; (7) detail of distal tip of neurochaetae. (ch) chaetae, (dc) dorsal cirrus, (el) elytra, (et) elytrophore, (ct) cirratophore, (la) lateral antennae; (ma) median antennae, (ne) neuropodium, (pa) parapodium, (pl) palp, (pr) prostomium, (tc) tentacular cirrus. Scale bars: 2–4: 1 mm, 5 = 200 µm, 6 = 100 µm, 7 = 10 µm.