Molecular reconstruction inferred under Maximum Likelihood (score: -lnL 3124) based on COI with Morandini et al. (2017) dataset and newly sequenced specimens (see Table 1 for details on the sequences used in the analysis). Numbers in nodes represent SH-aLRT support (%)/parametric aLRT support/aBayes support/standard bootstrap support (%); * less than 70/0.70.

  Part of: Stampar SN, Gamero-Mora E, Maronna MM, Fritscher JM, Oliveira BSP, Sampaio CLS, Morandini AC (2020) The puzzling occurrence of the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) along the Brazilian coast: a result of several invasion events? Zoologia 37: 1-10.