(3) Map of recorded occurrences of Leptopanchax opalescens in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (red dots). The black dot indicates the new record in this study. References of occurrences (1, base of the Serra de Petropolis; 2, villages of Cava and Tinguá; 3, Horto Florestal Santa Cruz, in Seropédica, RJ; 4, Training camp of the Brazilian Army in Gericinó, Rio de Janeiro; and 5, a terrain of the BRF S.A. in Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro) available in the Table S1. (4) Photographic record of temporary pools flooded with marginal vegetation predominantly composed of grasses, in the municipality of Seropédica, RJ.

  Part of: Guedes GHS, Salgado FLK, Uehara W, de Pavia Ferreira DL, Araújo FG (2020) The recapture of Leptopanchax opalescens (Aplocheiloidei: Rivulidae), a critically endangered seasonal killifish: habitat and aspects of population structure. Zoologia 37: 1-8. https://doi.org/10.3897/zoologia.37.e54982