Research Article |
Corresponding author: Paulo Lana ( ) Academic editor: Rosana Rocha
© 2017 Luiz Silva, Paulo Lana.
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Silva L, Lana P (2017) Owenia caissara sp. n. (Annelida, Oweniidae) from Southern Brazil: addressing an identity crisis. Zoologia 34: 1-11.
We re-assess the taxonomic status of Owenia Delle Chiaje, 1841 from Southern Brazil based on estuarine specimens from Paranaguá Bay (Paraná) and Babitonga Bay (Santa Catarina), and literature records. Owenia caissara sp. n. is diagnosed by a branchial crown with five pairs of tentacles, branched close to the base of the crown, rectilinear collar with a pronounced lateral slit, two ventrolateral ocelli partially covered by the collar, up to 23 hooks on a single row in the first abdominal segment, regularly curved nuchal shape, regularly moderate teeth curvature, and long and thin scales with oval transition. The description of Owenia caissara sp. n. reinforces the idea that Owenia fusiformis sensu lato is a complex of closely related species that can be distinguished on the basis of both macro- and micro- morphological traits.
Estuarine bottoms, Polychaeta , subtidal
Species of Owenia Delle Chiaje, 1841 are found from the intertidal zone to 2,000 m deep (
More recently, the cosmopolitan distribution of O. fusiformis has been questioned and rejected by many authors based on re-evaluations of the dispersal potential of the mitraria larvae and on more detailed analyses of morphological traits (
Based on such novel morphological traits,
The taxonomical knowledge of the genus in Brazil is unsatisfactory, although specimens of Owenia are often found, and are often numerically dominant in estuarine or shallow shelf benthic assemblages. Ecological surveys, in particular, tend to cluster all species of the genus under the name O. fusiformis. A. sundevalli and A. brasiliensis, both collected in shallow continental shelf bottoms off Brazil in the second half of the nineteen century, were later referred to O. fusiformis by
Following the recent trend of taxonomic reassessments of the genus and hoping to address a taxonomical identity crisis, we began to re-evaluate Owenia from Southern Brazil, describing a new species based on the morphological analysis of estuarine populations collected from the Paranaguá Bay (state of Paraná) and Babitonga Bay (state of Santa Catarina).
Oweniid specimens were collected from shallow subtidal locations of the Paranaguá Bay (Paraná, Brazil) and Babitonga Bay (Santa Catarina, Brazil). Samplings in Paranaguá Bay were carried out from December 2013 to June 2014 near the mouth of the Baguaçu River (25°33’S, 48°23’W). Subtidal samples were taken with a Petit Ponar grab or shovels manually operated during scuba diving. In Babitonga Bay, samples were taken between April and August 2014 in Paulas Beach (26°13’S, 48°37’W), with a Petersen grab.
The characteristic tubes of Owenia were manually separated from the sediment still in the field, stored in plastic jars with water from the collection site, and then taken to the Centro de Estudos do Mar (CEM) at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). For morphological descriptions, 16 individuals from Paranaguá Bay and 21 from Babitonga Bay were evaluated (including type-material listed in the corresponding section, and non-deposited individuals); they were removed from tubes and kept in Petri dishes with sea water and 8% magnesium chloride for one hour. At least ten individuals from each site were observed under a stereoscopic microscope for the description of in vivo coloration. The animals were photographed with a Sony NEX3 digital camera. The length of individuals was measured with the aid of a scale built into the stereoscopic microscope.
After fixation, mucus and sediment particles were removed from the body; hooks and chaetae were extracted from four individuals from each site. Fragments of the epidermis with notochaetal bundles on the first abdominal segment and uncini bundles were dipped three times in distilled water for thirty minutes to remove the remaining attached particles. After this, the material was preserved in 70% alcohol. This material was ran through a graded ethanol series to reach the critical point and coated with gold, and examined and photographed in a Zeiss EVO LS15-100 scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the Electron Microscopy Center (CME) at CEM. The terminology and measurements for the descriptions (Figs
Measurements of morphological traits, maximum length of tentacular crown (A), Collar length (B), Thorax length (C). Redrawn from
Methyl green colour patterns were assessed by staining five individuals for five minutes with a solution of 0.05 g of methyl green powder in 10 ml of distilled water. Excess was removed by washing in 70% alcohol under visual control in dorsal and ventral thoracic sections were photographed (
Type-material was deposited at the Zoology Museum of Campinas University, ZUEC (state of São Paulo, Brazil).
Crown with five pairs of tentacles. Tentacular branches beginning near collar base, numerous near crown base and apex. Collar rectilinear, with pronounced lateral slit. Two ventrolateral ocelli partially covered by collar. First abdominal segment with rows of up to 23 hooks. Hooks with 0° to 90° angles in relation to anteroposterior body axis, and nuchal shape regularly curved; teeth curvature moderate. Notochaeta scales long and thin with oval transition between A and B (Fig.
(based on holotype; numbers between brackets refer to average measurements in Babitonga and Paranaguá Bay specimens, except body length which represents the maximum and minimum in both places). Body 21 (15–32) mm long. Width at collar height 1.18 (1.16 and 1.24) mm. Body divided into tentacular crown, thorax, and abdomen (Figs
First abdominal segment with rows of up to 23 hooks (Figs
Living specimens with dark brown coloration at the base and terminal region of tentacular branches (Figs
Methyl green staining pattern characterized by tentacular branches unreceptive to staining, dorsal side of the collar and two longitudinal dorso-lateral lines strongly stained. On the ventral side, the two V shaped lines were unreceptive to methyl green but the border of these lines and the collar were strongly stained (Fig.
Tubes with medium and coarse particles (481-586 µm), coalesced by mucus in an imbricated pattern. In cross-section, smaller particles near lumen and larger on tube edge. Quartz particles dominates (99%) followed by magnetite (0.6%), biotite (0.37%), and shell and echinoderm fragments (0.03%). Tubes from 26 to 57 mm long (n = 70).
Holotype: ZUEC Polychaeta 17486, 21 mm, Santa Catarina, Babitonga Bay, Paulas Beach, 15/Jun./2014. Paratypes: ZUEC Polychaeta 17517-17522, Santa Catarina, Babitonga Bay, Paulas Beach, 22/Aug./2014, 6 specimens; Polychaeta 17523-17525, Paraná State, Paranaguá Bay, Cotinga Channel, 4/Jun./2014, 3 specimens; ZUEC Polychaeta 17487-17516, Santa Catarina, Babitonga Bay, Paulas Beach, 3/Oct./2014, 29 specimens.
Paulas Beach, Babitonga Bay, Santa Catarina State, 26°13’S, 48°37’W.
Currently known only from estuarine habitats along the coasts of the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina (Brazil).
The species name honors fisherfolk from traditional communities still found along the southern and southeastern Brazilian coasts. We prefer the archaic spelling “caissara” to the modern “caiçara” to avoid the usage of the cedilla diacritical mark in the taxonomic literature.
Populations of Owenia caissara sp. n. are frequent in shallow subtidal bottoms with a predominance of medium sand, at 0.5 to 5 m depth at Babitonga and Paranaguá Bays.
Owenia caissara sp. n. has five pairs of tentacles (four in O. fusiformis), a tentacular branching close to the collar base (clearly more terminal in O. fusiformis), a collar with a pronounced slit (absent or inconspicuous in O. fusiformis), ventrolateral ocelli partially covered by the collar (completely exposed in O. fusiformis), hooks of the first abdominal segment in 0° to 90° angles (varying from 0° to 5° in O. fusiformis) and the transition between A and B (Fig.
The Californian O. johnsoni and O. collaris differ from O. caissara sp. n. in having four tentacular branches with few dichotomies. In O. johnsoni, the crown is long and hooks are in a 45° angle on the first abdominal segment. In O. collaris, the angle of the first abdominal segment ranges from 30° to 45°.
The Korean species O. gomsoni differs from O. caissara sp. n. in having five or more pairs of tentacles (always five in O. caissara sp. n.), a curved collar (straight in O. caissara sp. n.) and a transition area of notochaeta scale angular (oval in O. caissara sp. n.), tentacular branches strongly receptive to staining (unreceptive in O. caissara sp. n. tentacular branches), V shaped lines strongly receptive to methyl green (unreceptive in O. caissara sp. n.) (Table
Oweniaborealis and O. polaris differ from O. caissara sp. n. in having only four pairs of tentacular branches, an angular collar (straight in O. caissara sp. n.) and an angular transition area in notochaeta scale (oval in O. caissara sp. n.). In addition, the dorsal and ventral tentacles do not differ in size in O. polaris, and the tentacular branches are receptive to staining (Table
The Australian O. australis, O. mirrawa, O. dichotoma and O. picta differ from O. caissara sp. n. in having four pairs of tentacular branches. Owenia dichotoma has a shorter tentacle crown with fewer ramifications than O. caissara sp. n. and O. picta has fewer tentacle crown ramifications than O. caissara sp. n., and a bilobed structure between the tentacles of the left and right sides in ventral view, which is lacking in O. caissara sp. n. (Table
The specimens collected in Ubatuba (Northern coast of São Paulo, SE Brazil) differ from O. caissara sp. n. in having four pairs of tentacular branches with dorsal and ventral branches of equivalent length and the angles of the hooksranging from 0° to 45° in the first abdominal segment (Table
Owenia caissara sp. n. from Paranaguá Bay, Polychaeta 17525; lateral view showing the three body regions: tentacular crown, thorax, and abdomen (5), cephalic region in dorsal view showing dark brown pigmentation at the base and near the apex of tentacles in one specimen fixed in 70% alcohol (6). Scale bars: 1 mm (5), 1.4 mm (6).
Owenia caissara sp. n. from Babitonga Bay, Polychaeta 17520; lateral view showing the tentacular crown, thorax and abdomen (10), anterior region in dorsal view (11), anterior region in ventral view (12), anterior region in lateral view (13). Scale bars: 1 mm (10), 0.2 mm (11, 12 and 13).
Main characters used to distinguish Owenia species (modified from
Caracteres | O. johnsoni - California | O. Collaris – California | Ubatuba – Brazil | O. caissara – Paranaguá Bay – Brazil | O. caissara – Babitonga Bay – Brazil | O. borealis - Iceland | O. polaris – Norwegian Sea | Portugal | Seine Bay | O. fusiformis – Banyuls Bay | O. persica – Persian Gulf | Madagascar Tulear | O. gomsoni – Yellow Sea | Japan Sea | West of Australia | O. mirrawa - Australia | O. bassensis - Australia | O. australis - Australia | O. dichotoma - Australia | O. picta - Australia | O. petersenae – New Zealand | |
Size | Branchial lenth (1) | L | M | S | M | M | S | S | M | M | M | L | M | M | S | M | S | M | L | |||
Thorax length (2) | L | M | M | M | M | M | M | L | M | M | L | M | M | M | M | S | S | S | M | |||
Body width (3) | M | M | L | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | S | L | L | M | S | M | ||||||
Number of segments (range) | 19 – 20 |
20 | 13 – 21 |
16 – 21 |
22 | 18 – 22 |
19 – 24 |
21 – 30 |
8 – 23 |
22 – 24 |
14 | 17 | 19 | 22 | ||||||||
Tentacles | Number of trunks | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | |
Dorsal and Ventral length | ≠ | ≠ | = | ≠ | ≠ | ≠ | = | ≠ | ≠ | ≠ | = | ≠ | ≠ | = | ≠ | ≠ | = | = | ≠ | |||
Collar | Curved | * | * | * | * | * | ||||||||||||||||
Straight | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | |||||||||
With angle | * | * | * | |||||||||||||||||||
Slit length: Short, Middle or long | S | M | M | M | M | S | S | M | M | S | M | M | M | L | ||||||||
Thorax | Line of 3 thoracic bundles: / or _/ | / | _/ | / | _/ | _/ | / | _/ | / | _/ | _/ | _/ | / | _/ | _/ | / | _/ | |||||
Direction (°) of hooks on abdominal segment 1 (range) | 0 | 30 – 45 |
0 – 45 |
0 -90 |
0 -90 |
45 | 0 -10 |
45 | 0 -90 |
0 – 5 |
45 | 70 -90 |
0 -30 |
10 -90 |
45 | 30 -90 |
Hooks | Length of tooth (X) (4) | M | L | M | M | M | S | M | M | M | M | S | L | M | M | S | M | |||||
Length of opening (Y) (5) | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | S | M | M | L | M | M | M | M | S | ||||||
Ratio X/Z (6) | M | M | M | M | M | S | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | ||||||
Angle of tooth (7) | S | B | M | S | S | B | B | M | M | M | M | M | S | M | B | S | ||||||
Dorsal shift present (pr), or absent (ab) | pr | pr | ab | pr | pr | pr | pr | ab | pr | ab | pr | pr | ab | ab | pr | pr | ||||||
Ventral shift present (pr), absent (ab) | pr+ | pr+ | pr+ | pr | pr | pr | ab | pr | pr | pr | pr | ab | pr | pr | pr | pr | ||||||
Scales on chaetae | Length (a + b)/d (8) | M | M | L | L | L | S | M | L | M | M | M | S | M | M | M | L | |||||
Sharpness (a/d) (9) | A | A | S | M | M | A | M | S | S | M | M | A | S | M | S | S | ||||||
Length of free part (c) (10) | L | M | L | M | M | S | M | L | M | M | L | S | S | M | M | L | ||||||
Transition area: < > or () | < > | < > | () | () | () | < > | < > | () | < > | < > | () | () | () | < > | () | () | () | () | () | |||
Methyl Green Staining | Tentacles | – | – | – | + | * | – | * | – | * | ||||||||||||
Dorsal collar | * | + | + | + | * | + | + | * | ||||||||||||||
2 ventral lines of thorax | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | + | – | – | ||||||||||||
V-shaped area from mouth to setiger 2 |
Owenia caissara sp. n. from Babitonga Bay, Polychaeta 17522. Anterior region in lateral view showing tentacular crown, thorax, and first neuropodial ring (14), scales on notochaeta from the first abdominal segment (15), lateral view of a hook from the first neuropodial ring (16). Scales bars: 100 µm (14), 1 µm (15 and 16).
SEM Images. 17-19 (first column), Owenia caissara sp. n. from Babitonga Bay Polychaeta 17518, 17519. 20-22 (second column), Owenia caissara sp. n. from Paranaguá Bay. 17 and 20, tentacular crown and thorax portion; 18 and 21 band of neuropodial hooks on the first abdominal segment (band median portion of band); 19 and 22, lateral view of hooks on the first abdominal segment. Scale bars: 100 µm (17 and 20), 10 µm (18), 2 µm (19), 20 µm (21), 3 µm (22).
SEM Images. 23–25 (first column), Owenia caissara sp. n. from Babitonga Bay, Polychaeta 17517, 17518. 26–28 (second column), Owenia caissara sp. n. from Paranaguá Bay, Polychaeta 17523. 23 and 26, apical view of hooks on the first abdominal segment; 24 and 27, frontal view of hooks on the first abdominal segment; 25 and 28, median portion of notocheata from first abdominal segment, showing scales. Scale bars: 2 µm (23), 5 µm (24), 2 µm (26, 28), 4 µm (25), 1 µm (27).
Although direct comparison with type-material from other species is an almost mandatory practice to describe a new species, most of this material was not available for loans to Brazil. We are convinced that Owenia fusiformis and related taxa are morphologically close but not cryptic, and we believe that morphological characters provide good evidence to recognize and treat them as separate evolutionary lineages. Very good and detailed descriptions of some of the closest species to O. caissara sp. n. are currently available and were extensively used in our study (see Table
By describing a new species from southern Brazil, previously referred to as O. fusiformis, we reinforce the growing understanding of the large worldwide diversity of Owenia, supporting that the existing environmental barriers effectively limit larval dispersal (
We emphatically anticipate the need for a taxonomic revision of the material so far recorded along the southwestern Atlantic, by combining both modern morphological criteria and molecular data. Even in the absence of such revision, we do not recommend keeping O. sundevalli, O. tegula, and O. brasiliensis as synonyms of O. fusiformis, which is still the case in the World Register of Marine Organisms (
Chitinous structures, such as hooks and other chaetae, do not suffer alterations or deformation after fixation. Therefore, the use of morphometric proportions and measurements of hard ’structures would also allow for a better assessment of intra- and interspecific variability. However, there is still no consensus that morphometric data are sufficient for the unequivocal recognition of new species. For example, the significant variability between chaetal scales in one single individual may hinder the usefulness of this character to diagnose species. The same holds true for the number of hooks in neuropodial rows, which is also influenced by animal development.
The question about using Owenia tubes as useful diagnostic features for species recognition remains open.
The difficulty in effectively establishing diagnostic morphological characteristics for the recognition of Owenia species still remains. Molecular data will likely help to address the still prevalent identity crisis of the genus along the southwestern Atlantic. Unfortunately, the availability of molecular data is still incipient, and the sequences available on GenBank have not yet been used for phylogenetic studies or species differentiation.
We are grateful to all people who helped us during field work, especially Tamara Aparecida Carlini and her family, who housed us in São Francisco, and Gabriela Truppel. Juliana Ferreira helped with the MEV pictures. The Lab of Minerals and Rocks (LAMIR/UFPR) supported us in the identification of tube particles. LS was supported by a M Sc grant from CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior).